Ever since seeing the adverts on the tv I’ve wanted to try Boots No7 Perfect Match service. It is a new service which hasn’t been around for very long and I wondered if it actually worked. If you haventt heard of this before then let me explain, Boots have brought out a new electronic device which matches up your foundation shade to their foundations. I have never been a huge fan of No7 not that I’ve had any problem with their products just I hadn’t found products I really liked so I wanted to give a new foundation a go. It may sound like a bit of a gimmek but for the women who have bought the wrong shade of foundation time and time again this saves money, reduces time and stress. Their are 28 shades that could be your possible match but the question is does it work?
Well the best way to find out was from personal experience so I gave it go. Firstly I was asked what kind of coverage I was after and what I would be using the foundation for this gave them an idea of which type of foundation would suit me best. The lady at the counter asked if I was wearing any make up which for the occasion I was not ( any make up would interfere with the result), then she wiped my jawline both sides with a baby wipe this got rid of any dirt or oil that would again interfere. Once she had used the electronic device both sides she told me the shade then did it once more again each side in a different position to make sure the first reaults were the same.
After that she picked out my colour and tried the shade on my face, the match was perfect and exactly what I was after. After showing me one side of my facwe with the colour she then put it all over. It wasn’t like wearing foundation just a more awake version of myself with perfect skin. To confirm my findings with this service my mother in law also had hers matched and once again it was perfect. Id reccomend this to anyone to try. The results speak for themselves which I will show you very soon x