We are a huge superhero loving family, films are watched together,our own comics are shared, we all have our favourite and we even love some of the villians but who doesn’t. Our children are growing up in the same way to love all things geeky with a mind of their own and what parent wouldn’t be proud of that.

MsRetroDesigns Superhero Necklaces
When I was looking for a Batman Necklace I couldn’t find one I liked, I didn’t want a huge chunky metal one I wanted something lighter but couldn’t find the right one so I made my own. Once I’d made mine my eldest daughter wanted one and asked if I could make a Wonder Woman one too. So that’s how I began making superhero necklaces. With all the films and Tv shows around right now it’s no suprising how popular Superheros have become. Many long awaited films are out this year.
[shopify embed_type=”product” shop=”msretrodesigns.myshopify.com” product_handle=”superhero-necklace” show=”all”]
I currently have Doctor Who and Superman/ Supergirl available with the rest of the stock to be updated within the week. Then Avengers, Flash, Batman, Wonder Woman will also be available. If there is anything you’d like but it’s not yet available drop me a message and I’ll see what I can do.
I was #TeamBatman and #Teamcap, who were your loyalties to?