For those of you that have read my post, here is the latest update in the situation, JolieBox have updated their customers via email sent out at 14:19pm today (03/07/2012).

An important update on your June JolieBox
Dear Subscribers,Unfortunately, there has been an issue with the labeling of boxes by the UK Mail delivery service we use this month which has resulted in a delayed delivery to our service. We were only properly informed of this issue by UK Mail Friday evening and we assure you that we have reacted as quickly as possible. We have been informed that boxes were relabeled correctly yesterday. From then the boxes are being sorted and distributed to the local Royal Mail depot today and tomorrow, which will then deliver the boxes to you. We have been officially informed by UK Mail that boxes have been dispatched and on their way to you. Boxes are estimated to arrive at the latest on Thursday/Friday of this week, hopefully some should start arriving from tomorrow. We apologise for the delay to informing you of the status of your boxes, but we wanted to wait until we had full confirmation from UK Mail that things have been fully sorted. Due to the relabeling issues, this also means that some of you may not have the desired ‘customised’ product (eg oily or dry skin) you requested.Once again, we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused and assure you we are looking into changing our delivery service from next month to something more reliable. We are all as disappointed as you over at JolieBox, especially as we have all worked very hard to make our June Boxes as special as possible.If you have any further questions please email us on [email protected].
Thank you,

What are you going to do next?, How does this make you feel?